
Showing posts from June, 2019

map showing iwi (tribal locations) in North Island

What is an iwi? What is a hāpu?

Map showing Taranaki iwi

Ko wai tō ingoa? What's in a name?

Tohu Kakahi

The Maori King's vision

Te Whiti o Rongomai- Ko wai ia?

Te Raukura- the feathers of peace

Te Whiti's messages to his followers

Te papakainga o Parihaka

Map showing loss of Maori land from 1860 to 1939

What is a surveyor? Why survey land?

May 26 1879 Parihaka ploughing campaign begins.

November 5 1881 the invasion of Parihaka

Land ownership the loss of Maori land 1840 - 2000