Some questions about Parihaka

After reading the information in this blog- as well as finding out about other information from other sources- you should hopefully be able to answer many of the following questions and have a better understanding of the events at Parihaka.

In what part of New Zealand is Parihaka? (can you locate it on a map?)
Who is Te Whiti o Rongomai?
Who is Tohu Kakahi?
What iwi did Te Whiti and Tohu belong to? (can you explain what an iwi is?)
Why did people move to Parihaka to live?
What incident took place at Parihaka in November 1881?
Why do you think many people think the incident at Parihaka should be better remembered?
What is pacifism, or non violent or passive resistance?
Who are some of the famous people associated with non violent resistance?


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