Notes for teachers

Please feel free to use this resource to find out information about the events at Parihaka. I suggest that you read Ask that Mountain- the story of Parihaka by Dick Scott if you would like to find out more.

This blog could be used as an interactive study tool with students (Year 9/10) as part of social studies or English work.  You could use the information with younger students but you would have to work closely with them. There are questions at the start of the blog which may direct students to search for information which helps them understand the events at Parihaka.

At Year 11 and 12- the blog can be used in a number of ways. Students could use the blog for both creative and formal writing. One example, of its use in creative writing is to get students to picture themselves as one of the main people or a person living at Parihaka and to tell their story. I have used this technique with one of my students this year in a very positive way. Students simply look at the events from a person involved (a child, a leader, a soldier) and simply write out what they think the person did, saw and felt. Use the first person. This technique could be used for both AS90052 Produce creative writing at Level 1 or for US26622 Write to communicate ideas for purpose and audience.  It could also be used for the Level 2 writing portfolio or at Level 3. 
The subject of Parihaka could also be used for formal writing (Levels 1-3) or report writing (Level 2 and 3).    

The blog itself could be used as a reading response to AS90854  Form personal responses to independently read texts, supported by evidence.

Mihi atu



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