Finding out about new words in the blog...

There are probably some new words (both English and Maori) that you will come across while reading the information in this blog.

If it is a Maori word you can choose to use the Maori online dictionary to help you. Simply type Maori online dictionary in to the search engine. (

Just type the Maori word into the search section to find out its meaning.
It would be pretty cool if you did learn some new words from this blog as many of the Maori words used are important words for learning about Maori in Aotearoa and may help you with your future learning.

You will come across the words- musket, kupapa, passive, papakainga, iwi, hapu and tatarakihi. Find out about these words because they will help you understand better.

You will also see or read words in the texts that you have  seen before but never stopped to find out much more about. For example- what is a bullock? We can assume that it is a bull or a cow? But what more can you find out?


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